Online Genealogy Resources


If you enjoy sharing moments, memories, and photos from your family research and would like a place to store it all while also connecting with family, friends, and an entire genealogy community then check out Storied. Storied is a new genealogy platform that stores your family tree, allows you to upload photos, stories, and research newspapers all for one low monthly cost. Visit the link below to learn more and follow Storied on social media. #ShareYourStories. 

The Genealogy Research Planning Cycle: A Roadmap to Becoming a More Effective Family History Researcher by Philip R. Thieler

All of us have a family story to tell but there are challenges associated with family history research - time, organization, and a voice. By a “voice” I am referring to someone who helps you build your story. In short, a person who shepherds you through your family history journey and that is where a genealogist can play a key role in assisting you in discovering, developing, and presenting your family story.

Available on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, & Smashwords

Legacy Family Webinars offer free preseneations on topics such as databases, best offline records research partices, and more. Visit their site and sign up for courses and receive information today!

American Ancestors and New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is America’s founding genealogical organization and the most respected name in family history. Established in 1845, We are the nation’s leading comprehensive resource for family history research and the largest Society of its kind in the world. 

Family Tree Magazine is available online and their site also offers some great free resources and articles on various genealogical topics. Visit their site to learn more amd subscribe to their magazine.

Genealogy Conference Keeper updates the ongoing and new genealogy forums, websites, and virtual meetings that are available and free to the public. Visit their site below to register for events or learn more.

NCGS presents live webinars on Webinar Wednesdays throughout the year. Each live webinar, post-webinar Q&A session, and handout is free for members. Watch the NCGS News newsletter and this website for the current schedule. Visit their site for recorded webinars, sign up for their newsletter, or to become a member.

Did You Know?

Did you know if you are a resident of North Carolina, most local libraries can provide you access to and their database at no cost through NCLive? Other databases may include Heritage Quest and access to their Library Catalog. Visit your local library to inquire about these services or to learn more visit NCLive.

Formed in 1996, U.S. Gen Web is FREE to the public and you may access records, documents, and other genealogy materials by state. 

International Genealogists & Resources Featured

on History & Heritage

Visit these great genealogy resource websites and social media platforms for tips, information, and blog posts.


Chiddicks Family Tree

Your Lineage

My Genealogy Resources

Genealogy...Beyond Brick Walls

Just Ask with Robin Foster

Dividing Ridge Genealogy was honored to assist with this project along with other genelaogists from around the world.


Click on the photo to learn more about the

Old Palace School Bombings.

Featured Storied Blog Post

Check out this Storied Blog & follow them across social media for research tips, resources, newspapers, & more. A big thank you to the platform for inviting Dividing Ridge Genealogy to participate & for all of their support.

Visit the link below for more.