Memories Are Like Punch

Published on 24 December 2020 at 18:00

Photo by Dividing Ridge Genealogy (c) 2020


Over the hills and through the woods to grandmother's house, we go. . . That Christmas tune never got old when I was a kid. Although we never had to go through the woods in a sleigh to our grandparent's home, it was still exciting. Now, years after their passing, our affectionate nicknames for them are still spoken in our home. My mother's mom was known to us as Mom-Mom while my mother's dad was known as Pap-pa. 

No better time was there to go to Mom-Mom or Pap-pa's house than on Christmas Eve. While most kids look forward to gifts under the tree, I looked forward to the green punch my grandmother made every year and placed in her ornate glass punch bowl.  

Traditionally, Evergreen Punch is, well, green. However, during Christmas, all the ingredients that go into making this tasty drink go missing from the grocery store shelves. If you have made Evergreen punch you know what I am talking about. It takes lemon-lime Kool-Aid packets and lime green sherbet ice-cream to give it that green hue. 

One Christmas Eve with the entire family gathered at our grandparent's home, we had managed to drink every drop of that punch. Having run out of the

ice-cream my grandmother asked someone to head to the store, but upon returning they were sorry to announce there was no more green sherbet 

ice-cream, but there was a tub of rainbow-colored sherbet. Deciding that it was not the best or the worst option my grandmother dipped out several scoops dropping it into that glass punch bowl mixing it with the other ingredients she did have.

To an adult, this change of color would not have seemed like a big deal, but for me, I was wary of the different color punch. Instead of being Evergreen, it was, well, brown. Of course, after seeing our dad down two glasses of it, my brother and I ventured into the kitchen to give it a try.

Taking a big dipper full we poured it into our red plastic cups and drank it. To our surprise, it was the same exact tasting punch that it would have been if it were green. To this day, I am still convinced that no other color ice-cream should go into Evergreen Punch except lime sherbet, mainly because brown is not appealing unless it is chocolate, and because well it is not Christmasy in color. 

As Christmas grows nearer each year, I tend to reflect on these cherished memories that provide the same salty, sweet kick as that punch. The greatest gifts we can give our loved ones, young and old, are those that last for years to come. Whether it be through recipes, photographs, family Bibles, heirlooms, or genealogy. These memories, no matter how small, hold the true meaning of Christmas. Love.


We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,

 Dividing Ridge Genealogy