Visit Philip R. Thieler online at Your Linage
With a strong background in American History, Family History and Genealogy, Philip will use his expertise in research, the Genealogical Proof Standards and the targeted Lineage Society’s application procedures to establish your family lineage with a view of delivering a complete, accurate and if proven, a successful Lineage Society application. He has a BA in History, an MA in European Area Studies and has completed Boston University’s Genealogical Principles Course.
Philip is a retired U.S. Army Colonel who had the honor of serving in numerous senior-level positions in Europe. Those opportunities enabled Philip to gain a first-hand appreciation of European culture, history and traditions - those rich pillars of our ancestral society that helped write a grand story - Our American Heritage.
Philip is a member of numerous Lineage Societies.
He is also a member of the National Genealogical Society, the New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Association of Professional Genealogists.
Philip's e-Book is available now:
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